Statement on Dismissal of Ilhan Omar from House Foreign Affairs Committee

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN, CD5) was dismissed from the House Foreign Affairs Cmte. Photo: Fibonacci Blue, CC license
2/2/2023, 5:07:14 PM
IHF Chairman Farley Weiss: “The outrageous and numerous anti-Semitic remarks by Illan Omar merited her expulsion from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Just like I supported Republican Steve King’s removal from committees for supporting white supremacism, Illan Omar needed to be removed for her repeated anti-Semitic comments and positions. Omar supports the BDS movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel; this is anti Semitic.”
IHF Executive Director Rabbi Duvid Katz: “Democratic lawmakers said her accusing supporters of Israel of dual loyalty, and Israel of apartheid and engaging in “terrorism” is anti-Semitic and I agree. However, she has not apologized for any of these positions or comments and yet these same Democrats did not have the courage to vote for her expulsion from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. We applaud Speaker McCarthy for keeping his word to me from 2019 at the National Council of Young Israel dinner, namely that he would take this action. Anti-Semitism is not a legitimate opinion any more than Steve King’s white supremacism. Omar’s anti-Semitism has no place on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.”