From Dr. Frager’s Desk: Israel’s Democracy is the Big Winner

photo credit: U.S. Embassy Jerusalem, CC license
11/6/2022, 7:51:22 PM
After five tries in four years the Israeli Right finally prevailed. Democracy is the big winner. Democracy works. It is truly a time of jubilation and joy in Jerusalem. Benjamin Netanyahu is the only Israeli leader who could have and did make it happen. It is called perseverance and tenaciousness. He’s got it. The real victory is in the hands of the Jewish People the world over. Stability is what was needed and was achieved. The previous government failed to bring stability. Terrorism was not being quelled. Jewish identity was being lost. Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition partners will address both issues head on.
As to the relationship between President Biden and the new Israeli government, I do not believe there will be a problem. Both do not want a confrontation. It is not in the best interest of Israel and it is not good for America. After the expected “red wave”, Congress will once again be more supportive of Israel and line up well with Benjamin Netanyahu. Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib will be drowned out by a Republican majority. The Democrats allowed them much too much power and media space.
President Biden will have 2024 on his mind and the last thing he wants is a combative relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu. All of this bodes well for Benjamin Netanyahu and he should be able to complete a full four year term.
Israel faces existential problems including the possibility of a Nuclear Iran, the continued rocket fire from Hamas, the threats from Hezbollah, rising terrorism from home grown Israeli Arabs, and continued pay to slay activities by the PA. Israel also faces additional worries from Syria where instability has increased with the re-deployment of Russian troops to the Ukraine.
Mr. Biden and Nr. Netanyahu’s plates will be full. The last thing they want to see is tension between the two.
The State Department is another story altogether. They have already tried to create a wedge by issuing the following statement: “We hope that all Israeli government officials will continue to share the values of an open, democratic society, including tolerance and respect for all in civil society particularly minority groups.”
This statement should be rightfully directed at America more than at Israel which bends over backwards to accommodate all religions and minorities. The Israeli election was fair and square with over 70% of the electorate voting. Israel remains the only true Democracy in the Middle East. Issuing such a statement only inflames the situation. The new Israeli government should be given the respect it deserves.
I look forward to Israel’s 75th Anniversary with a duly elected stable government.