America Is in For A Reset

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) falsely pulling the fire alarm in September 2013. Photo: public domain.
6/30/2024, 6:11:16 PM
In the most expensive primary Congressional race ever George Latimer beat Jamaal Bowman in the Bronx-Westchester’s 16th District. In the end the race wasn’t even close. George Latimer, Westchester’s County Executive received 59.3% of the vote to Radical Left Squad Member Jamaal Bowman’s 40.1%. By most standards that is a landslide.
Jamaal Bowman who became one of Israel’s haters had replaced one of Israel’s greatest advocates, Elliot Engel. The 16th Congressional District has an average age of 41.2, and has only 9-12% Jews. Latimer did not win because of the Jewish vote. He won because of a broad consensus of voters who got tired of Bowman’s radicalism, socialism and antics including pulling a fire alarm in the Cannon House Building to try to stall a Republican Bill. The district is 40% white, 19% black, 29%, Hispanic and 6% Asian.
Although most of the Left media wanted to frame the race as a referendum on Israel’s War against Hamas, there were many factors at work. Yes, Jamaal Bowman horrifically denied at the outset that Israeli women were raped or babies beheaded by Hamas on October 7th. His vicious anti-Israel positions were disgraceful. However, he lost to George Latimer in the end because a significant portion of his own black constituency rejected his socialism bordering on communism.
America remains a Democracy. Jamaal Bowman cost his district jobs. His fellow Squad members will have the same problem. Socialism and Communism have no place in America. They are antithetical to the American way.
The economy is still the most important driving force in the election process. Socialism is a job killer. It only hurts the economy. Increasing National Debt which the socialists encourage only will come back to haunt the rest of us. America is in dire need of a reset. The Bowman defeat is the first step in achieving this reset. The next step will be the defeat of Cori Bush, another member of the Socialist Squad on August 6th in Missouri’s District 1.
When all is said and done America will look better and do better when Bowman and Bush are shown the door. America is coming to its senses. October 7th has certainly had an impact on many races in America. It has exposed the radicalism and extremism of many of Israel’s and the Jewish People’s haters. Jamaal Bowman is a good example. However, Americans are looking for a broader more moderate and sensible politician. This is the reset I speak of.